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Ableitung hydrographischer Daten aus einem Höhenmodell

Methodology for developing a model of the geo-hydrological system of the Imbrasos Basin (to Heraion of Samos):

I. Data Processing:

  • Generating a Digital Elevation Model.
  • Delineation of the catchment area surrounding and in connection to the Heraion of Samos.
  • Generating the drainage network of the catchment area including surface water levels and discharge data.
  • Generating of sub-catchment areas according to special geomorphic characteristics and special land-use characteristics.
  • Identifying the geological composition of the wider area under examination.
  • Examining the groundwater aquifer systems underlying the catchment area and beyond it’s borders.
  1. Topographic, Lithologic, and Land-use characteristics (Source: Gournelos et al., 2014)
BasinArea (km^2)Slope %Mean Elevation (m)Quaternary %Marls %Marly Limestone %Volcanics %Limestones Marbles %Schists Eruptive %Dominant Vegetation
Imbrasos basin51.9914.68333.3624.10211.881421.10480.195124.735327.9813Forrest - Fruit Trees

/usr/www/users/uhydro/doku/data/attic/projects/samos/reporting/texte.1485889565.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/04/10 10:18 (Externe Bearbeitung)