====== Hydrochemistry of Seaswater Intrusion ====== TITLE Transport Example SOLUTION 0 # Seawater units mmol/l pH 7.0 pe 13.0 O2(g) -0.7 Na 1.0 # Na has Retardation = 2 Cl 1.0 # Cl has Retardation = 1, stagnant exchange N(5) 1.0 # NO3 is conservative SOLUTION 1-100 # Fresh Groundwater units mmol/l pH 7.0 pe 13.0 O2(g) -0.7 K 1.0 N(5) 1.0 EXCHANGE 1-10 -equil 1 X 1.e-2 TRANSPORT -cells 100 -shifts 100 -flow_direction forward -time_step 8640 # 1 day -boundary_conditions flux flux -lengths 100*10 # length of the box 10 m -dispersivities 100*0.1 # control the dispersion: v= 1m/day*10m -punch_cells 50 # cells to be written to selected output -punch_frequency 1-100 # time steps when results are written to s.o. SELECTED_OUTPUT -file ex-transport_output.txt -temperature -pH -molalities H+ OH- Ca+2 K+ Na+ Cl- CO2 HCO3- CO3-2 CaX2 MgX2 NaX KX -saturation_indices Calcite Gypsum Siderite -gases CO2(g) N2(g) END ~~ODT~~ TITLE Transport SOLUTION 0 # Seawater UNITS mmol/l Na 552.438 K 12.021 Ca 11.727 Mg 61.304 Cl 645.926 S(6) 33.208 C(+4) 2.835 Br 0.813 Sr 0.148 Cd 1 charge temp 25.0 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 0 SAVE SOLUTION 0 SOLUTION 1-100 # Groundwater UNITS mmol/l Cl 45.284 S(6) 0.688 C(+4) 3.684 Ca 12.6 Mg 4.480 Na 13.599 K 0.171 Sr 46.528 Cd 1 charge temp 25.0 EXCHANGE 1-100 -equil 1 X 1.e-2 TRANSPORT -cells 100 -shifts 100 -flow_direction forward -time_step 86400 # 1 day -boundary_conditions flux flux -lengths 100*10 # length of the box 10 m -dispersivities 100*0.1 # control the dispersion: v= 1m/day*10m -punch_cells 50 # cells to be written to selected output -punch_frequency 1-100 # time steps when results are written to s.o. SELECTED_OUTPUT -file transport_c-1.txt -temperature -molalities Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ K+ HCO3- Cl- Br- SO4-2 Sr+2 -saturation_indices Calcite Gypsum Siderite -gases CO2(g) N2(g) END