MedSAL Meetings

webGIS 13.09. 2022


Check the sensor data inflow on ftp on uhydro and make a report on how data are produced (see Bouficha)

Mobile App

webGIS 14.09. 2022

THL contacts the Antonis Christofides to subcontract him for:

THL contacts the partners in Malta and Cyprus directly regarding integration of hydrochemical and isotope data.

Pending Tasks

(sorted according to priorities)

<note important>Conclude the set of methods (PhreeqC, Mixing Cell Modeling) latest by the early beginning of October so that it can be integrated into 5 and further web-packages</note>

Application to work package 5. Extract the essence of results from our packages in 4 for the reports in 5, a) transfer to other sites. Proposal to combine flow line analysis with hydrochemical modeling, transssect and model phreeqC 1D ADE with reactions along that transsect (Rhodope, maybe Bouficha. Note: Scheme by D. Carstens applied to the most appropriate pilot site for work package 5, most interesting is Bouficha, alternative site would be Rhodope (conceptual model derived from groundwater model and sensors and two potential salinization sources)

<note important>Risk Assessment must be completed by December latest, as the info day is and cannot be later than January (crucial bottle-neck)</note>