


Most soils in the basin are of the type rendzina with Ah/Cv horizon. This soil type is found on tertiary marls, on schist and marl. The Upper Ah is only between few and 15 to 30 cm thick. The thickness of the Cv horizon depends on the topography and location along the hillslope and ranges from few dezimeters on convex and upper slopes to more than a meter on concave and lower slopes.

In some locations remnants of thick red terra fusca are found. This soils type is a weathering product and is only found on deeply weathered carbonate rock. In some areas also strongly weathered schist has formed brown soils (German classification: Parabraunerde).

These soil types have been documented at several locations in the basin (pictures, coordinates).

/usr/www/users/uhydro/doku/data/pages/en/projects/samos/reporting/soils.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/04/10 10:03 von