
Soil Sample Isotope Analysis Project

This project is carried out by Feng Chen, Shuangcheng Li, Zehao Jin and Xinhao Li under the supervision of Prof. Dr. C. Külls. The aim of the project is to characterize water samples taken on the island of Samos.

<olmap id=„olMapOne“ width=„550px“ height=„450px“ lat=„37.67“ lon=„26.88“ zoom=„12“ statusbar=„1“ controls=„1“ poihoverstyle=„0“ baselyr=„OpenStreetMap“ gpxfile=„“ kmlfile=„“ geojsonfile=„“ summary=„“ > ~~ Plugin olmap help. ~~ Required in the above tag are values for: id (unique on this page), width, heigth. ~~ Also you will want to enter zoomlevel and lat, lon values that make sense for where you want the map to start.

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The drying data from the different kinds of soils drying_data.xlsx

The data of different kinds of water sample with soils standard_soil_sample.xlsx

Data soil_weight_revised.xlsx soil weight&moisture 212 A1improved_version_of_soil_weight_9.28.xlsx soil_isotopes_28.9_.xlsx

Comments by CK


Praperation procedure

Standard preparation

Standard procedure

  1. Crush the 3 kinds of clean standard soil (sand, loam, and clay) into fine particles.
  2. Dry them with the containers (crucibles) at least 6 hours, then take them into the desiccator while cooling.
  3. Use subtraction method to take 50g sand into a clean bag, then use a pipette to add 5ml Voss standard sea water into that bag (try to wet more sand in case the sand come out while dive air filling).
  4. Seal the sealer in the bag and only leave a small entry for dive air nozzle, fill the bag till it expands enough (do not fill too much air, otherwise there might be a difficulty of second sealing by laminator), then seal the sealer totally.
  5. Use the Laminator to seal the bag again right below the sealer.
  6. Draw two small round silicon cover on the surface of the bag (do not make the silicon cover too thin).
  7. Take 50g sand and 5ml Namsw standard sea water, repeat step 3 to step 6 for sand+Namsw

Repeat step 3 to step 6 for preparation of loam and clay, till finishing 6 bags, then put these bags somewhere without sunlight for 24 hours equilibrium. Avoid direct contact with cool surfaces (in order to avoid condensation).

Procedure of measurement for soil isotope and recharge rate

Sample procedure

  1. Cut a small entrance on the away side of the zip, which is big enough to let the dry air in. After adding the dry air, seal the bag twice and add two silicon cover (2-3 mm thick) on the surface of the bag, then stew for 24 h, to ensure the soil sample fully equilibrated.
  2. Measure the sample bag within 2 days after the step 1, the needles need to be dried with desiccant, stab the needles in the bag and wait until the graph shows a horizontal line. Note down the values and errors of 18O, 2H and 17O. Between any two measurements, the needles need to be dried.
  3. Cut the bag in the middle of height, weigh the soil with the bag, note down the value as “weight cut”. Put all bags in the oven for 24 hours, please make sure all bags are totally open. (Attention: do not move the electronic scale!!!)
  4. Weigh the dry soil with the bag, note down the value as “dry”, then measure the net weight of the soil by putting the soil into a crucible. Note down the value as “net weight”.
  5. Pour the soil back to the bag after measurement then put the bag into a paper box. Make sure all the bags are stable since the chloride concentration need to be measured later.