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Water Chemistry of Samos Project

The project is carried out by Xinhao Li, Zehao Jin, Feng Chen and Shuangcheng Li under supervision of Prof. Dr. Christoph Külls. The aim of the project is to describe the water chemistry of the Heraion plain on Samos.

2017/09/12 Tue

pH value and EC value of 10 water samples samples.xlsx

2017/09/13 Wed

Example for Phreeqc

        units   ppm
        pH      7.4
        temp    25.0
        Ca              412.3
        Mg              1291.8
        Na              10768.0
        K               399.1
        Alkalinity      141.682 as HCO3
        S(6)            2712.0
        N(5)            0.29    gfw   62.0
        Cl              19353.0

Hydrogencarbonate results

The HCO3- results which got separately from direct calculation, Aqion and Phreeqc are shown as follow. There might be some problem with WK007, and WK021 WK024 and WK025 are probably sea water.

direct Aqion Phreeqc
WK001 278.59 268.4 300
WK002 322.05 300.12 370
WK003 339.66 326.96 350
WK004 390.80 372.71 400
WK005 237.17 232.41 240
WK006 210.44 205.57 215
WK007 198.74 194.59 200
WK008 209.06 204.35 210
WK009 210.61 206.18 215
WK010 227.88 222.65 230
WK011 326.80 317.81 330
WK012 327.18 317.81 330
WK013 153.40 150.67 155
WK014 129.25 127.49 130
WK015 224.76 220.21 230
WK016 229.91 225.09 230
WK017 191.73 187.88 185
WK018 21.56 21.35 21
WK019 309.17 300.73 302
WK020 290.04 282.43 290
WK021 -2425.80
WK022 276.79 276.33 280
WK023 180.69 177.51 180
WK024 -1256.70
WK025 -2424.12
WK026 296.44 286.7 290
WK027 176.37 172.63 175
WK028 265.81 259.25 260
WK029 202.41 192.76 200

Example for Diagrammes

Template for Diagrammes.

2017/09/14 Thu

Piper and shoeller diagrams made by Diagrammes

2017/09/25 Mon

Summary of diagrammes


Group 1

 1.surface water WK015.028.010 
 2.groundwater type2 WK014.019 
 3.groundwater Wk006.
 4.spring WK017 

This group mainly consists of 2 types of groundwater and few other types 
like 1 surface water and 1spring. They all have high Ca2+ concentration 
and lower Mg2+ and Na++K+ concentration. For anions, CO32-+HCO3- is higher, 
CI-+NO3- and SO42- are lower. 

Group 2

 1.sea water WK024 
 2.salty groundwater WK025 

Na++K+ pretty high, Mg2+ low, Ca2+ super low
CI-+NO3- are considerably high, SO42- is low, and CO32-+ HCO3- are nearly zero.

Group 3

 1.spring WK018
 2.salt lake WK022 

These two both have a nearly equal concentration of Na++K+ and Ca2+, 
Mg2+ is much lower compared to them.
CI-+NO3- and CO32-+HCO3- are also nearly equal, and SO42- are lower.
But Mg2+ and CI-+NO3- are slightly higher in salt lake than spring.
We predict these are probably a mixture of group 1 and group2. 

Group 4

 1. heraion WK001.003.004.029

Heraion plot in those areas with low Ca2+ low Mg2+, high Na++K+, 
high CI-+NO3- low CO32-+HCO3- and low SO42-. 
They might be some mixture of group1 and group2 or group3 and group3, 
even all of 3 groups. 

2017/09/28 Thu

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